Thursday, October 21, 2010

Take advantage of the APA first movers advantage "Auto Pilot ATM"

Just wanted to inform of a new profit-share program launching 10/13/10 that has us all VERY excited

We know that you are TIRED of joining all those cyclers and matrices that only benefit the admins.

We decided to create a REAL Share-Pay-Opportunity that shares 75% of all profits with everyone whether you sponsor people or not!!!.

For those of you that can sponsor others you will-earn an extra 20% for your building efforts.

The name of the site is AutoPilotATM
What this program does is create a SHARE-PAY/PROFIT-SHARE with other sites we will be adding to our network of profit sharing sites. In which we are distributing our profits with our distributors.

The sale of these shares is considered network income and we are paying 95% of EVERY DOLLAR EVENLY to the ENTIRE PROFIT SHARE.. So.. ZERO. ABSOLUTELY ZERO. NOT A SINGLE REFERRED PERSON IS REQUIRED TO EARN!!!! You own a position in the ENTIRE PROFIT SHARE.. So of course, the first ones in will earn from the following ones that join .. Whether you referred them or NOT.

AutoPilotATM is pre-launching on 10/13/10 and you can join me in this giant at the top of the system.
Basically you can purchase positions in this profit share before others even know it's coming. The MORE POSITIONS YOU HAVE THE LARGER YOUR SHARE OF NETWORK EARNINGS YOU'LL RECEIVE.


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